Episode 02: Using Psychomagic To Break Through Limiting Beliefs with María Soledad



In this episode:

  • Gifted channel and facilitator María Soledad shares her personal journey from a being successful actor to awakening to her gift, as she explains the complementary aspects between the modalities she practices: using evolutive tarot to connect to the unconscious and performing ritually symbolic acts that are part of psychomagic to help you “die” to parts of the ego and break old patterns that no longer serve your highest good, creating new neuropathways along the way.

  • It is not about disassociation but integration, and the embracing of all aspects of ourselves and everything that we have experienced.

  • The foundation of freedom is our essence, which also includes the integration of our trauma.

  • She talks about how we are moving from an old power paradigm of a materially-focused world to one that is more energetic and beyond 3D.

  • The time of the pandemic broke the illusion of control, and was a chance to discover stillness and to connect to the sacred within us. It also showed how interconnected we are and the importance of curiosity and the questioning of old beliefs, moving from judgement to discernment, and not relating solely to outward ego identity.

  • We now have an opportunity to collaborate based on a greater understanding of unity consciousness to embody our ecstatic nature, and come together as a human community in a much more expansive and regenerative way.

About María:

María is a channel and healer that combines her knowledge and wisdom in Kabbalah astrology, evolutive tarot, and psychomagic (healing path using psychology, theater, and shamanism) to help you break through limiting beliefs and guide you to manifest your greatest potential.

Trained in psychomagic and Metageneology by Alejandro Jodorowsky and his son Cristobal Jodorowsky, María examines your family’s psychological heritage to integrate limiting patterns of behavior inherited through your ancestry, and the ones you unconsciously created as a child. This methodology is used to recognize conditioning buried deep in the unconscious mind and to break familial patterns, consciously move out of automatic pilot and remove the blockages that are holding you back from creating and experiencing your truest and deepest desires.

Learn more and book a session with María http://www.maria-soledad.com/

Follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marciana24/


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